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Napisz do nas: fmc@home.pl

XXV Financial Management Conference

Hybrid event

In 2024 we kindly invite you to the XXV edition of the event. The conference will be held on October 23-25, 2024 in Aquarius***** Hotel, Kolobrzeg.


We meet in a

Organizational information


Deadlines and fees


Participation in-person with presentation (optional) and publication (optional).
Fee: 1200 PLN*
Please note that the conference fee does not include accommodation costs.
Registration deadline: 09 October 2024


Participation online with a presentation and publication in a monograph.
Fee: 1100 PLN*
Registration deadline: 09 October 2024

Participation online with a presentation.
Fee: 100 PLN*
Registration deadline: 09 October 2024

Participation online without a presentation and with publication in monograph.
Fee: 1000 PLN*
Registration deadline: 22 October 2024

Participation online without presentation and publication.
Registration deadline: 22 October 2024

*Exempt from VAT in accordance with Article 113(1) of the Law of March 11, 2004 on Value Added Tax.

Please pay the fee to the account of Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Master of Business Administration:
BNP Paribas Bank Poland: PL36 1750 1077 0000 0000 2828 2548
with the annotation: “FMC 2024 + participant’s name”.
Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Master of Business Administration
64 Mickiewicza St., 71-101 Szczecin
Tax ID: 852-23-80-431

Conference venue

The 2024 conference will be held at the AQUARIUS SPA***** Hotel at Kasprowicza Street 24 in Kolobrzeg, Poland.

Room prices:
– single room – 516 PLN/day (including 8% VAT)
– double room – 562 PLN/day (including 8% VAT)
The price does not include tourist fee – 6,20 PLN/person/day.

To reserve a place at the hotel, please email Barbara Plominska: b.plominska@aquariusspa.pl.
In the email subject write: XXV Financial Management Conference


In 2024, we encourage to publication of a chapter in a scientific monograph edited by Prof. Dariusz Zarzecki and published by University of Szczecin. Chapter should be sent until 25 Ostober 2024 at: fmc@home.pl.

Other publication possibilities:

1. Financial Internet Quarterly

FIQ is published by the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow (UITM) as a financial sector quarterly aimed mostly at people working in finance (representing both those in academia as well as those in business), but it also is aimed at other audiences such as students. Details about publishing in Financial Internet Quarterly can be found on the journal’s website in section „for authors” (https://finquarterly.com/for-authors/).

Social Sciences Citation Index Impact Factor IF2023: 0.7

More information about the journal can be found in the About Financial Internet Quarterly presentation.

If you are interested in publishing or have additional questions about the journal, please contact the Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Tomasz Skica – tskica@wsiz.edu.pl)  and the Editorial Secretary (Dr Lukasz Cywinski – lcywinski@wsiz.edu.pl).

2.Bank & Credit

The journal ‘Bank and Credit’ publishes articles on economics and finance.

For more information about the journal, visit: https://bankikredyt.nbp.pl/

3. Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia

A journal that publishes articles from all fields of economic sciences. The language of the journal and all articles is English.

Details of publication in FOS can be found on the journal’s website.

As of 2021, Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia is indexed in the Scopus database.

Conference organization information

During the Financial Management Conference, two types of sessions are held, during which participants from major academic centers in Poland and abroad will present their papers and present research results. The conference sessions are also attended by practitioners addressing current issues in the industry they represent.

Plenary session
The plenary session will be held hybrid (on-site at the hotel and online) each day of the conference, with all attendees present. Between three and five speeches will be scheduled during each plenary session. After the speaker speaks or at the end of the session, there will be an opportunity for discussion between the author and session participants.

Parallel session
Parallel sessions will be held hybrid (on-site at the hotel and online). Each session will focus on a different topic. Between three and six speeches will be scheduled during the parallel session. After the speaker speaks or at the end of the session, there will be an opportunity for discussion between the author and session participants.

The parallel session can also take the form of a panel discussion with the participation of panelists and a discussion moderator. The discussion session may be preceded by a presentation of the issue under discussion. The discussion between panelists is followed by a discussion with other session participants.

XXV Financial Management Conference Programme

23 October 2024

15.00 – 17.00 – participant registration
17.00 – 19.00 – I plenary session
19.00 – 20.00 – dinner

24 October 2024

7.30 – 9.00 – breakfast
9.00 – 11.00 – II plenary session
11.00 – 11.30 – coffee break
11.30 – 13.30 – parallel sassions
13.30 – 15.00 – lunch
15.00 – 17.00 – parallel sassions
17.00 – 17.30 – coffee break
17.30 – 19.30 – parallel sassions
20.30 – nnnouncement of the results of the 22nd Beta Award and Gala Dinner

25 October 2024

7.30 – 9.00 – breakfast
9.00 – 11.00 – parallel sassions
11.00 – 11.30 – coffee break
11.30 – 13.30 – III plenary session
13.30 – 15.00 – lunch

Conference Partners

Honorary patronage of the President of the Statistisc Poland



Sponsors and partners

Our Conference in numbers


session hours


 βeta Award



About the Award

The βeta Award is an honorary recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of financial management. The 37-centimeter statuette was designed and made in the studio of prominent sculptor Jakub Lewinsky. It is a dynamic spatial form, in which the graphic symbol of the second letter of the Greek alphabet with the artistic shape of a beautiful female silhouette have been intertwined. Cast in bronze, on a base of black granite, it symbolizes some of the most precious values of civilization: dynamism, development, expansion and beauty.

Why are βeta coefficients important?

Why do economists pay so much attention to them? The beta coefficient is a measure of the relationship between changes in the price of a given stock and changes in the relevant stock market index. It makes it possible to measure the systematic risk taken by an investor buying that stock and gives an idea of how much the price movements of that stock will converge with the market. This is important because while investors can balance specific risks associated with individual stocks by running a diversified portfolio, they are still exposed to systematic risks associated with the overall market that can no longer be offset by diversification. The higher the beta of a given stock, the greater the risk associated with it. Measuring risk is only one way to use beta. Indirectly, the ratio is an indispensable measure during the process of valuing businesses, selecting investment projects and measuring economic added value.

βeta 2024 Chapter

Participation in the βeta 2024 Chapter has been confirmed by:

  • prof. Jan Czekaj – Cracow University of Economisc,
  • prof. Jerzy Gajdka – University of Lodz,
  • prof. Krzysztof Jajuga – Wroclaw University of Economics and Business,
  • prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska –  SGH Warsaw School of Economics,
  • prof. Bogdan Nogalski – University of Gdansk,
  • prof. Dariusz Zarzecki – University of Szczecin.
Latest βeta Award Winner

The following works have been nominated for the 2023 βeta Award:

  • Szczepan Urjasz, Ph.D., from the University of Warsaw, for his work entitled Dynamics of linkages and mechanisms of volatility transmission between the Polish stock market and selected stock markets in the world,
  • Tomasz Jedynak, Ph.D., Prof. UEK from the Cracow University of Economics for his work thesis entitled Behavioral determinants of the decision to retire,
  • Katarzyna Mokrzycka-Kogut, Ph.D., from Cracow University of Economics for her paper entitled The Financial Reporting Quality of Public Companies The Cultural Dimension.

By the decision of the Chapter of the βeta 2023 Award, which consisted of Prof. Jan Czekaj – Cracow University of Economics, Prof. Leszek Dziawgo – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Prof. Jerzy Gajdka – University of Lodz, prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Prof. Bogdan Nogalski – University of Gdansk, and Prof. Dariusz Zarzecki – University of Szczecin, Beta Award winner was Tomasz Jedynak, Ph.D. Prof. UEK from the Cracow University of Economics for his work entitled „Behavioral determinants of the decision to retire”.

Financial Management Conference Office

The office is open Monday – Friday from 10 am to 3 pm.